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Crest /Elongated royal head of the Ancient World ft Dr. Delbert Blair

Heaven  Yeah TV
Published on 10/14/24 / In Religion/Spirituality

An Archeo-Genetic secret

The elongated style skull shape was an ancient feature that was natural to Global Aboriginal people
In this audio clip the late Dr. Delbert Blair gives his hypothesis on the origin of the elongated skulls being the result of Blacks from Mars settling on Earth & intermingling with Nile Valley populations
This is a quite interesting analysis whereas it is my respectful position that this is in fact a prehistoric Earth human feature that is not foreign to our ecosystem
The royal lineages were actually practicing mating rituals (Source: Temple of Luxor/Hatshepsut birth scene) with one of the sole purposes to transition their genetics back to how their most ancient ancestors were like anatomically
The elongated head shape was a sign of higher intelligence or greater brain functioning
Global Aboriginal people at a certain time frame of history were completely free of genetic mutations especially before the Lunar Cataclysm over 200,000 years ago
Aboriginals lived on a semi-aquatic tropical Earth & the elongated skull is a semi-aquatic feature
In the so called Afro-Asiatic languages the Karast (later called Christ) was a title given to the offspring of the divine lineages while we see exactly where the concept of heraldic Crest images originated in royalty & going further into conceptual etymology we see the phonetic root of CRST correlated with Karast the divine ancestry of Ausar or Heru
- @F. Muhaiyaddeen

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