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The Power of Your Truth: Manifesting Your Reality with Dr Delbert Blair

Heaven  Yeah TV
Published on 10/14/24 / In Religion/Spirituality

In the journey of life and spiritual awakening, one fundamental truth stands out: You create your own truth. This truth, often overlooked or overshadowed by external influences, is the cornerstone of your existence. Dr. Delbert Blair beautifully articulates this concept, and it's something we firmly believe in and agree with.

Your truth, at its core, is not about your identity or subconscious. It transcends these aspects and delves into the purest form of who you are—your consciousness. This deep-seated essence within you is incredibly potent, a spark of the grand consciousness, often referred to as God, infinite intelligence, or the source. This inner power can shape your reality in profound ways. It is, in essence, the ultimate creator, capable of bringing to life anything it desires.

So, what is truth in this context? Truth is not an absolute, fixed concept. It is subjective, unique to the individual. Some may argue that there are multiple truths, while others assert there is only one. But in the grand scheme, these debates are somewhat irrelevant. What truly matters is your truth—the perspective that stems from your consciousness.

The challenge we face is the imposition of others' truths upon us, or perhaps our own projection of our truth onto them. This dynamic often leads to judgment, confrontation, conflicts, and, in extreme cases, even war. As you embark on your spiritual awakening journey, understanding that you create your own truth is pivotal.

Every individual lives in their own truth, their unique reality, and universe. Some let external influences shape their reality through sources like social media, TV, news, movies, and the company they keep. These external forces sway their truth, often leading to inner turmoil, unhappiness, depression, and confusion.

Once you grasp that you have the power to create and define your own truth, a transformation occurs. Your reality becomes a product of what you immerse yourself in—your thoughts, feelings, actions, and choices. As you blend these elements into a formula for manifestation and materialization, you validate your truth. Your truth works for you.

Though there might be ways to generalize and share your truth with others, each person must find the foundational elements of their truth and make it their own. Truth is deeply personal, and its essence lies in subjectivity, which is influenced by your point of view.

Embrace the power that comes with deciding what works for you and what doesn't. Your reality is a manifestation of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. You wield the power to shape it. Accepting this responsibility may feel weighty, but it's essential to recognize that life's challenges are not mistakes or problems; they are lessons. Through these lessons, you become proficient in materializing your desires.

This journey is about mastering the art of manifestation, a powerful expression of life itself. As you refine your ability to create and accept truths that resonate with you, you enhance your art of living—a life filled with happiness, fulfillment, and self-realization.

The concept of accepting and defining your truth may initially seem daunting. Still, consider this: individuals with opposing beliefs can achieve the outcomes they desire because of the power behind their truths, not the truths themselves. Your consciousness infuses power into your beliefs, manifesting your desired results.

So, be mindful of the power you invest in your beliefs and thoughts. Contemplate the idea of truth and its significance in your life. The seed of understanding that you create your own truth has been planted within you. It will grow and empower you to realize the immense creative potential you possess—the power to shape your reality, your universe, and ultimately, your destiny.

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