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Poverty Point | Origins of the American Mound Builders and the Olmec Connection | Megalithomania

Heaven  Yeah TV
Published on 10/14/24 / In Status Correction

Join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/megalithomania. Poverty Point in Louisiana is one of the oldest mound sites in America with dating that may go back to over 5000 years. It has a unique design with a concentric, semicircular arrangement of earthworks and a huge bird effigy mound that could represent the female body. It could also be connected with the Olmecs of Mexico as they built similar structures, have similar symbolism, and lived on the opposite side of the Gulf Sea when Poverty Point was in its prime, around 1800 BC onwards. It also has astronomical significance, and unique artifacts that we look closely at in the on-site museum.

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